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The IMREDD campus

A unique place of collaboration between the university, businesses and the territory

The Mediterranean Institute for Risks, Environment and Sustainable Development (IMREDD) is an innovation and partnership institute of Université Côte d’Azur. Its role is to power an innovative cooperation between the university, the local government and industries to deploy Smart City solutions and initiatives in the region. Located in the heart of the Eco Valley of Nice, IMREDD is strongly oriented towards the creation of employment and innovative business.

An energy-efficient campus

IMREDD’s building is one of the flagship architectural projects of the Eco Valley. Designed according to the principles of energy efficiency and openness to the city, it allows the integration of students, researchers, lecturers and industrial partners around a smart, connected and sustainable city project.

4 fields of investigation to improve citizens’ lives



pollution | climate crisis | air quality | health impacts | noise pollution | waste management | water treatment



resiliency | global warming | natural disasters | flooding | landslides | earthquakes | tsunamis 



energy transition | smart district | smart grid | climate crisis | renewable energies | positive energy building



multi modality | dynamic ride-sharing  | car sharing | connected vehicles | autonomous vehicles | electric mobility

Learning Center

Located at the heart of IMREDD, the Learning Center is a modulable space suitable for different activities (lectures, groupwork, self-study…). A polyvalent place of learning, exchanging, meeting and synergy.

Situé au cœur du bâtiment, le Learning Center est un espace modulable adaptable à différentes activités (conférences, travails en équipe). Un lieu polyvalent de formation, d’échanges, de rencontres, de synergie, qui s’étend sur deux niveaux.

Virtual tour

Virtual tour

Smart City
Innovation Center

The Smart City Innovation Centre (SCIC) is a technological platform capable of materialising, in industrial scale, different key concepts and technologies. A true place of experimentation, learning and demonstration for the Smart City of the future.

Photo gallery